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High rise societies in gated RWA’s need NA Intervention

NOFAA president Mr. Rajiva singh and Secretary General Prof. Rajesh Sahay are visiting in societies with their team. There are several societies in Noida where there exist high rise apartments as well as plotted houses together. The high rise is managed by AOAs and the plotted houses independently by RWAs in the same gated society. Mr. Rajiva singh wrote a letter to Noida Authority regarding plotted housing societies and high rise societies in gated societies -coexistence of RWAs and AOAs. High rise societies typically have 5 to 9 which could house 1000 to 2000 apartments and 300 to 500 independent plotted houses. Such sectors are governed by RWAs (even with lesser number of apartments when compared to high rise apartments) with no say for the AOAs in operational decisions. For example- decisions on opening and closing of security gates of such societies in sector 50, 62, 61, 51, cleaning of roads, especially near high rise societies, cleaning of storm drains, using of community centers etc. A better synergy is needed for operations by associations under such situations. The step brotherly treatment at times by RWAs to AOAs, makes it highly inconvenient for community living and majorly for high rise dwellers.
Mr. Rajiva requested through this letter for better governing process to be formulated for societies where RWAs and AOAs coexist and have interests involved for their respective residents. Prof. Sahay said, most of the apartments are closely located in clusters and sector specific. Noida Authority can easily provide entry and exit gate to these apartment clusters.

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